Wow. I started this blog back in 2010 with a goal of sharing my thoughts on Bible verses that were given to me through different devotionals. For a while there, I was doing well with writing this blog on a daily basis. Then it turned into a weekly thing for me. Then a monthly thing. Then, December 2010, I just stopped. No reason, just stopped. Life became too busy for me.


I had all but completely forgotten about this blog until the wonder that is Facebook’s feature “On This Day…” shared a post I made about this blog. So curious, I followed the link…

SURPRISE! The blog was still here! I looked through several of the posts I made, and most of them I remembered writing the thoughts – like visiting an old friend. But for many of them, it felt alien, strange. For the life of me I couldn’t remember writing those words.

After some careful thinking and praying, I have decided to get back to one of my greatest loves – writing. I’m not going to promise to write every day, but I am going to do my best to write at least once a week on my faith musings in an effort to get my faith back on track.